Maracaja Gentleman Cambrioleur
Registration number (TICA): SBT 090623 017
Microchip: 992000003034724
Date of birth: Septembre 6, 2023
HCM negative - 2024
PK-Def normal (N/N)
Bengal-PRA Normal (N/PRA)
C/cs Carries seal lynx point (snow)
Pure for spots (does'nt carry for marbled)
Asian leopard cat ancestors:
9th generation Senor Romero of Cheethatu
(subspecies euptilura)
Best features
Sublime coat! Highly contrasting rosettes on a warm, shiny background, without any large vertical bars. Very long and robust body with a tail carried low. Wonderful straight profile, expressive eyes and good chin.
Calm and easygoing, you almost never hear him meow. Lupin is a gentleman, he always lets others eat the treats before him. It is easy to carry him. He loves to play outside in the big catio.